This new tool can be used by users from the “base” document and the file to be compared can be selected with Drive file picker. Then a third document will be created that will show the difference between these files and the edits recommended.
Both the business and education applicants can use this tool for their different purposes. Educationists can use this tool for easy grading by comparing keeping track of the essays.
Whereas, business users can use it to analyze the changes made in the contract throughout the discussion and compare the initial and final versions of the report.
On the desktop web, this tool can be accessed by going to the Tools menu and selecting “Compare Documents”. A popup will appear asking to “Select the comparison document” from the Drive. Username field is under this and filled by default with “Compare”, that will create a new file.
Documents owners and users with edit access can use this tool. All the G Suit Editions have had it by default, whereas of others the tools have been rolled out and will be available to all within a month.